A Rose by any other Name

In each of the three lists below, match the names in Column 1 with the names in Column 2.


A. Symphonies and Titles

Column 1 Column 2
Beethoven _______________ Eine Alpensinfonie
Berlioz _______________ Classical
Britten _______________ Choral
Bruckner _______________ From the New World
Dvořák _______________ Inextinguishable
Haydn _______________ Italian
Mahler _______________ Leningrad
Mendelssohn _______________ Pathetique
Mozart _______________ Prague
Nielsen _______________ Rhenish
Prokofiev _______________ Romantic
Schubert _______________ Simple
Schumann _______________ Surprise
Shostakovich _______________ Symphonie fantastique
R. Strauss _______________ Symphony of a Thousand
Tchaikovsky _______________ Unfinished

Beethoven Choral
Berlioz Symphonie fantastique
Britten Simple
Bruckner Romantic
Dvořák From the New World
Haydn Surprise
Mahler Symphony of a Thousand
Mendelssohn Italian
Mozart Prague
Nielsen Inextinguishable
Prokofiev Classical
Schubert Unfinished
Schumann Rhenish
Shostakovich Leningrad
R. Strauss Eine Alpensinfonie
Tchaikovsky Pathetique
B. Artists and Paintings

Column 1 Column 2
Bottocelli _______________ Bathers
P. Breugal, the Elder _______________ The Birth of Venus
Cézanne _______________ The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
Chagal _______________ Guernica
Da Vinci _______________ The Hunters in the Snow
Goya _______________ Luncheon of the Boating Party
Hopper _______________ Mona Lisa
Monet _______________ The Naked Maja
Munch _______________ Nighthawks
Picasso _______________ The Night Watch
Rafael _______________ The Scream
Rembrandt _______________ The Sistine Madonna
Renoir _______________ Starry Night
Turner _______________ Sunflowers
Van Gogh _______________ Water Lilies

Bottocelli The Birth of Venus
P. Breugal, the Elder The Hunters in the Snow
Cézanne Bathers
Chagal Starry Night
Da Vinci Mona Lisa
Goya The Naked Maja
Hopper Nighthawks
Monet Water Lilies
Munch The Scream
Picasso Guernica
Rafael The Sistine Madonna
Rembrandt The Night Watch
Renoir Luncheon of the Boating Party
Turner The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
Van Gogh Sunflowers
C. Books and Authors

Column 1 Column 2
Austen _______________ The Canterbury Tales
de Cervantes _______________ David Copperfield
Chaucer _______________ Don Quixote
Dickens _______________ Faust
Ellison _______________ The Grapes of Wrath
Faulkner _______________ The Invisible Man
von Goethe _______________ The Magic Mountain
Homer _______________ Moby Dick
Joyce _______________ Nineteen Eighty-four
Kafka _______________ Odyssey
Mann _______________ Pride and Prejudice
Melville _______________ The Sound and the Fury
Orwell _______________ The Trial
Steinbeck _______________ Ulysses
Tolstoy _______________ War and Peace

Austen Pride and Prejudice
de Cervantes Don Quixote
Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
Dickens David Copperfield
Ellison The Invisible Man
Faulkner The Sound and the Fury
von Goethe Faust
Homer Odyssey
Joyce Ulysses
Kafka The Trial
Mann The Magic Mountain
Melville Moby Dick
Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four
Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
Tolstoy War and Peace